Throat Infection Expert in Perumbakkam
Your Trusted Partner in Throat Infection
Throat infections are usually caused by a virus but may be caused by bacteria such as streptococcal bacteria. We are here to provide you with top-notch care and guidance to tackle your problems.

Understanding Throat Infection
Causes of Throat Infection
Throat infections are usually caused by a virus. Most often, it is one of the viruses that cause the common cold, such as rhinovirus, adenovirus, influenza virus, or respiratory syncytial virus. Less often, another virus is involved, such as the Epstien Barr virus (which causes mononucleosis) or Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
In less than one third of people, throat infections are caused by a bacterial infection. Group A streptococcus (strep throat) is the most common bacterial cause and usually occurs in children between age 5 and age 15. Strep throat is less common in children under age 3 and in older adults. Untreated strep throat sometimes causes complications. Complications can include tonsillar cellulitis or abscess , rheumatic fever, and kidney inflammation (glomerulonephritis). Rarely, bacterial infections such as gonorrhea and diphtheria cause throat infections.

Symptoms of Throat Infection:
- A sore throat with pain and irritation.
- Difficulty in talking and a hoarse voice.
- Painful swallowing while drinking and eating.
- Swollen glands beneath the jaw that are painful to touch
- Red and inflamed tonsils
- Depending on the infection, you may also experience fever, cough, body aches, or nausea.
Possible Risk Factors of Throat Infection
Age: Children and teenagers are more susceptible to throat infections. Their weak immune systems make them more likely to develop bacterial and viral illnesses.
Pollution and Allergies: Living in a polluted environment and exposure to dust, pollen, and other allergens can irritate the throat. This can lead to pain and irritation. Inflammation of the throat can also increase the risk of contracting bacterial and viral infections.
Exposure to Tobacco Smoke: Regular smoking and even secondhand smoke can irritate the lining of the throat. This can lead to throat pain. Over a period of time, tobacco products increase the risk of developing mouth and throat cancer.
Pain relievers (analgesics)
For strep throat, antibiotics
Sometimes surgical removal of the tonsils
Analgesics given by mouth, such as acetaminophen or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), often help reduce pain in people with a throat infection. Gargling with warm salt water has often been recommended but has not been shown to help. Some doctors also give a single dose of a corticosteroid, dexamethasone, particularly if symptoms are severe; dexamethasone may shorten the duration of symptoms. It may also help lessen airway blockage caused by mononucleosis.
People with a strep infection are given an antibiotic, usually penicillin or amoxicillin. People who are allergic to penicillin may be given clindamycin.
People who have repeated streptococcal infections of their tonsils may need to have their tonsils removed (tonsillectomy), according to suggested guidelines.
Typically, it is children who need tonsillectomy, including children who have had more than 6 infections in 1 year, more than 4 infections in each of 2 years, or more than 3 infections per year for 3 years. Doctors consider tonsillectomy if the child has an acute infection that is severe and persistent despite being treated with antibiotics, if the child has significant obstruction (including obstructive sleep disorder) or a recurrent peritonsillar abscess, or if they suspect cancer.
For adults, doctors do not use these specific criteria for when to do tonsillectomy. However, doctors may do tonsillectomy in adults who have severe bad breath due to tonsillar stones.
For both children and adults, doctors do allow for individual differences when deciding whether to recommend a tonsillectomy.
There are numerous effective techniques for tonsillectomy. Doctors can use a scalpel or an electrocautery device, or they can destroy the tonsils using radio waves.
Fewer than 2% of people, adults more than children, have bleeding complications resulting from a tonsillectomy. Bleeding typically occurs within 24 hours of surgery or after about 7 days. People who have bleeding after a tonsillectomy should go to a hospital.
Frequently Asked Question on Throat Infection
Allergies can cause throat irritation, but a true infection is typically caused by viruses or bacteria.
Yes, many throat infections, especially those caused by viruses, are contagious and can spread through respiratory droplets or contact with infected surfaces.
Viral throat infections are generally treated with supportive care, including rest, hydration, and over–the–counter pain relievers. Antibiotics are not effective against viral infections.
Bacterial throat infections, such as strep throat, are typically treated with antibiotics prescribed by a healthcare professional.
Yes, a throat infection can cause hoarseness or changes in the voice, especially if the vocal cords are affected.
Consult a doctor if the throat infection is severe, persists for more than a few days, is accompanied by high fever, or if there is difficulty breathing or swallowing.