Conjunctivitis Expert in Perumbakkam
Your Trusted Partner in Conjunctivitis
Pink eye is an inflammation (redness) of the conjunctiva, the clear tissue that lines the inside surface of your eyelid and outer coating of your eye. We are here to provide you with top-notch care and guidance to tackle your problems.

Understanding Conjunctivitis
Causes of Conjunctivitis
The pink or reddish color of pink eye happens when the blood vessels in the membrane covering your eye (the conjunctiva) gets inflamed, making them more visible. Causes of inflammation include:
- Viruses are the most common cause of pink eye. Coronaviruses, such as the common cold or COVID-19, are among the viruses that can cause pink eye.
- Common types of bacteria that cause bacterial conjunctivitis include Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumonia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
- This includes molds, pollen or other substances that cause allergies.
- Irritating substances. This includes shampoos, cosmetics, contact lenses, dirt, smoke and pool chlorine.
- Sexually transmitted infections (STIs). A virus (herpes simplex) or bacteria (gonorrhea or chlamydia) can cause STIs. STIs can cause pink eye in both adults and newborns.
- A foreign object in your eye.
- Blocked or incompletely opened tear ducts in babies.
- Autoimmune conditions. Diseases that cause your own immune system to overreact are a rare cause of pink eye.

Symptoms of Conjunctivitis :
- Pink eye is an inflammation (redness) of the conjunctiva, the clear tissue that lines the inside surface of your eyelid and outer coating of your eye
- Increased tearing
- Thick yellow discharge that crusts over your eyelashes, especially after sleep
- Green or white discharge from your eye.
- Gritty feeling in one or both eyes.
- Itchy eyes
- Burning eyes
- Blurred vision
- Increased sensitivity to light.
Viral and Bacterial Conjunctivitis
Most cases of pink eye are caused by adenovirus but also can be caused by other viruses, including herpes simplex virus and varicella-zoster virus.
Both viral and bacterial conjunctivitis can occur along with colds or symptoms of a respiratory infection, such as a sore throat. Wearing contact lenses that aren’t cleaned properly or aren’t your own can cause bacterial conjunctivitis.
Both types are very contagious. They are spread through direct or indirect contact with the liquid that drains from the eye of someone who’s infected. One or both eyes may be affected.
Risk factors
Risk factors for pink eye include:
- Exposure to someone infected with the viral or bacterial form of conjunctivitis.
- Exposure to something you’re allergic to, for allergic conjunctivitis.
- Using contact lenses, especially extended-wear lenses.
In both children and adults, pink eye can cause inflammation in the cornea that can affect vision. Prompt evaluation and treatment by your health care provider can reduce the risk of complications. See your provider if you have:
- Eye pain.
- A feeling that something is stuck in your eye.
- Blurred vision.
- Light sensitivity.
Following good general hygiene and eye care practices can also help prevent the spread of pink eye.
Don’t touch or rub the infected eye(s).
Wash your hands often with soap and water.
Wash any discharge from your eyes twice a day using a fresh cotton ball. Throw away the cotton ball and wash your hands with soap and warm water afterward.
Wash your hands after applying eye drops or ointment to your eye or someone else’s eye.
Don’t share personal items such as makeup, contact lenses, towels or cups.
Treatment for pink eye caused by bacteria:
If bacteria are causing your pink eye, your provider will give you a prescription for antibiotics (eye drops, ointments or pills). If it’s tricky to put ointment in your eye or your child’s eye, don’t worry. If the ointment gets as far as the eyelashes, it will most likely melt into the eye.
Treatment for pink eye caused by viruses:
Pink eye caused by a virus doesn’t need treatment unless it’s caused by herpes simplex virus, varicella-zoster virus (chickenpox/shingles) or a sexually transmitted infection. These are serious infections that require antiviral medications. If not treated, they could scar your eye or cause vision loss.
Antibiotics can’t treat pink eye caused by a virus.
Treatment for pink eye caused by irritating substances:
If something gets into your eyes and irritates them, rinse your eyes with a gentle stream of warm water for five minutes. Avoid further exposure to the irritating substances.
Your eyes should begin to improve within four hours after rinsing them. If they don’t, call your healthcare provider. If the substance in your eyes is a strong acid or alkaline chemical (such as drain cleaner), rinse your eyes with water and call your healthcare provider immediately.
Treatment for pink eye caused by allergies:
Allergic conjunctivitis is treated with prescription or over-the-counter eye drops. These contain either antihistamines to control allergic reactions or anti-inflammatory drugs such as steroids or decongestants.
You can relieve your symptoms temporarily by applying a cold compress to your closed eyes. You can prevent this kind of pink eye by avoiding the allergens that cause your symptoms or taking over-the-counter allergy medicines.
Frequently Asked Question on Conjunctivitis
Conjunctivitis is most often caused by germs such as viruses and bacteria. “Pink eye” most often refers to a highly contagious viral infection that spreads easily among children.
At-home remedies may offer some of the best relief while dealing with viral pink eye. Try artificial tears, cool or warm compresses, or rest, among other remedies for relief from viral pink eye.
Vitamin A-rich foods.
“Vitamin A strengthens the mucous membrane, protecting the eyes from harmful pathogens. Carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes, pumpkin and kale are good sources of Vitamin A. Including them in the diet will alleviate the discomfort caused by conjunctivitis and heal red eyes naturally
Pinkeye caused by a virus usually goes away without any treatment. Pinkeye caused by bacteria is treated with antibiotic eye drops or ointment.
There is no treatment for the virus and usually you just have to let it heal on its own. Viral pink eye should go away within a week or two without treatment. Bacterial pinkeye usually produces more mucus or pus than viral or allergic pink eye. Bacterial pink eye can be treated with antibiotics prescribed by a doctor.