Allergies Expert in Perumbakkam
Your Trusted Partner in Allergies
Allergy occurs when a person reacts to substances in the environment that are harmless to most people. We are here to provide you with top-notch care and guidance to tackle your problems.
Understanding Allergies
What is an Allergic reaction
An allergic reaction is the way your body responds to an allergen.
If you have allergies, the first time you encounter a specific allergen, your body responds by creating immunoglobulin E (IgE). Your immune system makes antibodies to form IgE.
IgE antibodies bind to mast cells (allergy cells) that live in your skin, respiratory tract (airways) and the mucus membrane in the hollow organs that connect to each other from your mouth to your anus (gastrointestinal or GI tract).
The antibodies find the allergens in your body and help remove them by taking them to the mast cell (allergy cell), where they attach to a special receptor. This causes the allergy cell to release histamine. Histamine is what causes your allergy symptoms.
Causes of Allergies
Common allergy triggers include:
- Airborne allergens, such as pollen, animal dander, dust mites and mold
- Certain foods, particularly peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, soy, fish, shellfish, eggs and milk
- Insect stings, such as from a bee or wasp
- Medications, particularly penicillin or penicillin-based antibiotics
- Latex or other substances you touch, which can cause allergic skin reactions.
The best way to prevent allergies is to avoid allergens. You can also take antihistamines or other medications daily to help control your symptoms and reduce your allergic reaction.
If you have animal allergies, avoid petting, hugging or kissing animals. Don’t allow them in your bedroom or on your furniture.
Regularly vacuuming rugs, carpets and other surfaces helps remove dust, animal dander, pollen and other allergens.
High-efficiency particulate (HEPA) air filters can also help. These air purifiers remove airborne allergens from your environment.
- Stay indoors on dry, windy days. …
- Avoid lawn mowing, weed pulling and other gardening chores that stir up allergens.
- Remove clothes you’ve worn outside and shower to rinse pollen from your skin and hair.
- Don’t hang laundry outside — pollen can stick to sheets and towels.
Allergen avoidancel:
Your provider will help you take steps to identify and avoid your allergy triggers. This is generally the most important step in preventing allergic reactions and reducing symptoms.
Depending on your allergy, medications can help reduce your immune system reaction and ease symptoms. Your provider might suggest non-prescription or prescription medication in the form of pills or liquid, nasal sprays, or eyedrops.
For severe allergies or allergies not completely relieved by other treatment, your provider might recommend allergen immunotherapy. This treatment involves a series of injections of purified allergen extracts, usually given over a period of a few years.
Emergency Epinephrine:
If you have a severe allergy, you might need to carry an emergency epinephrine shot at all times. Given for severe allergic reactions, an epinephrine shot (Auvi-Q, EpiPen, others) can reduce symptoms until you get emergency treatment.
Frequently Asked Question on Allergies
Allergies occur when your immune system reacts to a foreign substance — such as pollen, bee venom or pet dander — or a food that doesn’t cause a reaction in most people. Your immune system produces substances known as antibodies
Seasonal allergies, like other types of allergies, develop when the body’s immune system overreacts to something in the environment, usually during spring, summer or fall when certain plants pollinate.
Sneezing can be due to: Allergy to pollen (hay fever), mold, dander, dust. Breathing in corticosteroids or other medicines (from certain nose sprays) Common cold or the flu
Your body releases histamines to go after the allergens, just as it does when fighting a cold. This can cause swelling in your nasal passages, a runny nose, cough, sneezing and itchy, watery eyes.