Veneers Expert in Perumbakkam

Your Trusted Partner in Veneers

Veneers are a popular cosmetic dental treatment aimed at enhancing the appearance of your smile. We’re here to offer you exceptional care and guidance to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.

Understanding Veneers

What are Veneers?

Veneers are thin shells made of porcelain or composite resin that are custom-made to fit over the front surface of teeth, improving their appearance. They are bonded to the teeth to change their color, shape, size, or length, enhancing the overall aesthetics of the smile.

There are two main types of veneers:

  1. Porcelain Veneers: Porcelain veneers are crafted from high-quality dental porcelain, offering durability, stain resistance, and a natural appearance. They are custom-made in a dental laboratory based on impressions of your teeth.

  2. Composite Veneers: Composite veneers are made of tooth-colored composite resin material directly applied and sculpted onto the teeth by the dentist in a single visit. While they are more affordable than porcelain veneers, they may not last as long and are more prone to staining and chipping.

Both types of veneers can effectively improve the appearance of teeth affected by discoloration, stains, chips, cracks, gaps, or minor misalignment. Your dentist will help you choose the most suitable type of veneers based on your specific needs and preferences.

Who needs Veneers?

Veneers are often recommended for individuals who want to improve the appearance of their teeth and achieve a more aesthetically pleasing smile. Some common reasons why people may consider getting veneers include:

  1. Discoloration: Teeth that are severely stained or discolored and do not respond to teeth whitening treatments may benefit from veneers to restore a brighter, whiter appearance.

  2. Chipped or Worn Teeth: Veneers can cover and restore the appearance of teeth that are chipped, worn down, or damaged due to wear and tear, injury, or tooth grinding (bruxism).

  3. Gaps or Spaces: Veneers can close small gaps or spaces between teeth, improving overall dental symmetry and enhancing the smile’s appearance.

  4. Misshapen or Irregular Teeth: Teeth that are misshapen, uneven, or have irregular contours can be reshaped and enhanced with veneers to create a more uniform and attractive smile.

  5. Minor Alignment Issues: Veneers can mask minor orthodontic issues such as slightly crooked or overlapping teeth, providing a straighter appearance without the need for braces or aligners.

  6. Desire for a Smile Makeover: Individuals seeking a complete smile makeover to address multiple cosmetic concerns, including color, shape, size, and alignment of teeth, may opt for veneers to achieve their desired aesthetic results.

What are the benefits of Veneers?

  • Improved Appearance: Veneers can enhance the color, shape, size, and symmetry of teeth, resulting in a more attractive and aesthetically pleasing smile.

  • Natural Appearance: Porcelain veneers mimic the translucency and texture of natural tooth enamel, providing a lifelike and natural-looking appearance.

  • Stain Resistance: Porcelain veneers are resistant to stains from coffee, tea, wine, and other pigmented foods and beverages, helping maintain a brighter and whiter smile.

  • Durable: Porcelain veneers are durable and can last for many years with proper care, providing long-lasting results.

  • Minimally Invasive: Veneers require minimal tooth preparation compared to other cosmetic dental treatments, preserving more of the natural tooth structure.

  • Versatile: Veneers can address various cosmetic concerns, including discoloration, chips, cracks, gaps, misalignment, and irregularities, offering comprehensive smile enhancement.

  • Quick Results: Veneers can dramatically improve the appearance of teeth in just a few dental visits, making them an efficient option for achieving a smile makeover.

  • Boosted Confidence: By transforming the appearance of teeth, veneers can boost self-confidence and improve overall self-esteem, allowing individuals to smile with confidence.

What happens during the procedure?

  1. Initial Consultation: The dentist evaluates your oral health, discusses your cosmetic goals, and determines if you’re a candidate for veneers.
  2. Preparation: A small amount of enamel is removed from the front surface of the teeth to accommodate the thickness of the veneers. Impressions or digital scans of the teeth are then taken to create custom veneers.
  3. Temporary Veneers (Optional): Temporary veneers may be placed to protect the prepared teeth while the permanent veneers are being fabricated in a dental laboratory.
  4. Veneer Fabrication: Porcelain veneers are custom-made in a dental laboratory based on the impressions or digital scans of your teeth. This process typically takes one to two weeks.
  5. Veneer Bonding: Once the permanent veneers are ready, they are bonded to the teeth using dental adhesive. The dentist ensures proper fit, shape, color, and alignment before permanently affixing the veneers.
  6. Final Adjustments: The dentist makes any necessary adjustments to the veneers, such as trimming or shaping, to achieve optimal aesthetics and function.
  7. Polishing and Final Inspection: The veneers are polished to a smooth finish, and your bite is evaluated to ensure proper alignment and comfort.
  8. Post-Placement Care: The dentist provides instructions on how to care for your new veneers, including proper oral hygiene practices and avoiding habits that may damage them.

What are the risks involved?

  • Tooth Sensitivity: Some individuals may experience temporary tooth sensitivity after veneer placement, especially if a significant amount of enamel is removed during preparation.

  • Veneer Damage: Veneers can chip, crack, or debond from the teeth if subjected to excessive force or trauma, such as teeth grinding, biting hard objects, or sports-related injuries.

  • Gum Irritation: Improperly placed or ill-fitting veneers can cause gum irritation or inflammation, leading to discomfort or gum recession.

  • Color Mismatch: Veneers may not perfectly match the color of adjacent natural teeth, particularly if natural teeth undergo changes in color over time due to aging or staining.

  • Tooth Decay: Inadequate oral hygiene or improper placement of veneers can increase the risk of tooth decay or damage to the underlying tooth structure.

  • Nerve Damage: Although rare, there is a slight risk of nerve damage during the preparation or placement of veneers, which may lead to sensitivity or numbness in the affected tooth.

  • Veneer Failure: Veneers may fail over time due to wear and tear, adhesive failure, or other factors, necessitating replacement or repair.

  • Financial Investment: Veneers are a significant financial investment, and there may be additional costs associated with maintenance, repair, or replacement over time.

Frequently Asked Question on Veneers
How long do veneers last?

With proper care and maintenance, porcelain veneers can last 10-15 years or more, while composite veneers typically last 5-7 years before requiring replacement.

Are veneers reversible?

No, the enamel removal process during veneer preparation is irreversible, and the teeth may become more sensitive as a result.


Do veneers require special care?

Veneers require regular oral hygiene practices, including brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups, to maintain their appearance and longevity.


Can veneers be whitened?

Unlike natural teeth, veneers do not respond to teeth whitening treatments. However, they are stain-resistant and maintain their color over time.


Do veneers feel natural?

Porcelain veneers closely mimic the natural appearance and feel of teeth, providing a seamless and comfortable fit.

Can veneers fix crooked teeth?

While veneers can mask minor orthodontic issues such as slight misalignment or gaps, they are not a substitute for comprehensive orthodontic treatment for more severe alignment problems.