Your Trusted Partner in Skin Tags

Skin Tags are small, benign growths that often appear on areas of the body where skin rubs against skin or clothing, such as the neck, armpits, groin, or eyelids. At our clinic, we provide top-notch care and guidance for managing skin tags effectively.

Understanding Skin Tags

What are Skin Tags?

Skin tags, medically known as acrochordons, are benign growths that appear on the skin’s surface. They are typically small, soft, and flesh-colored or slightly darker than the surrounding skin. Skin tags often develop in areas where the skin folds or rubs against itself, such as the neck, armpits, groin, or eyelids. While skin tags are generally harmless and painless, they can sometimes become irritated or inflamed, especially if they are constantly rubbed or snagged by clothing or jewelry. Skin tags are composed of collagen fibers, blood vessels, and sometimes fat cells, and they can vary in size from a few millimeters to a few centimeters. Although they are benign, some individuals may choose to have skin tags removed for cosmetic reasons or if they are causing discomfort. Skin tags do not have specific subtypes or classifications like some other skin conditions. However, they can vary in appearance and size based on individual factors such as location, genetics, and skin type.

What are the symptoms of Skin Tags?

  • Fleshy Growth
  • Soft Texture
  • Flesh-Colored or Slightly Darker
  • Pedunculated Appearance
  • Commonly Found in Skin Folds
  • Occasional Irritation or Discomfort
  • May Bleed if Traumatized
  • Multiple Skin Tags
  • Varied Sizes
  • Rarely Associated with Pain

What causes Skin Tags?

  1. Friction or Rubbing: Skin tags often form in areas where the skin rubs against itself or clothing, such as the neck, armpits, groin, and under the breasts. Constant friction may stimulate the growth of skin cells and the formation of skin tags.

  2. Genetics: There appears to be a genetic predisposition to developing skin tags. Individuals with a family history of skin tags are more likely to develop them themselves.

  3. Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in hormone levels, such as those that occur during pregnancy or in individuals with conditions like diabetes, may contribute to the formation of skin tags.

  4. Obesity: Being overweight or obese is associated with an increased risk of developing skin tags, possibly due to increased friction and skin folds in affected areas.

  5. Age: Skin tags become more common with age, with peak incidence occurring in middle age. However, they can develop at any age.

  6. Human Papillomavirus (HPV): Some studies suggest a possible link between certain strains of HPV and the development of skin tags, although more research is needed to confirm this association.

How is it diagnosed?

Skin tags are typically diagnosed through a visual examination by a healthcare provider, such as a dermatologist or primary care physician. The characteristic appearance of skin tags, including their fleshy, protruding nature and location in areas of friction or skin folds, helps differentiate them from other skin conditions. In some cases, a healthcare provider may use a magnifying instrument called a dermatoscope to closely examine the skin tag. Additionally, if there is uncertainty about the diagnosis or if the growth appears unusual, a biopsy may be performed to rule out other skin conditions such as warts or moles. Overall, the diagnosis of skin tags is usually straightforward and based on clinical observation.

How do you treat Skin Tags?

Skin tags are generally harmless and often do not require treatment unless they are causing discomfort or cosmetic concerns. However, if removal is desired, several treatment options are available:

  1. Excision: Cutting off the skin tag with scissors or a scalpel by a healthcare professional. This is a quick procedure done under local anesthesia.

  2. Cryotherapy: Freezing the skin tag with liquid nitrogen, causing it to fall off. This method may cause temporary discomfort and blistering.

  3. Electrosurgery: Burning off the skin tag with an electric current. This method is quick and effective but may result in some scarring.

  4. Ligation: Tying off the base of the skin tag with a suture or dental floss to cut off its blood supply, causing it to eventually fall off.

  5. Over-the-counter treatments: Some over-the-counter products, such as creams or patches containing salicylic acid, may help shrink and remove small skin tags over time.

  6. Home remedies: While not medically recommended, some people attempt to remove skin tags at home using methods such as tying them off with thread, applying apple cider vinegar, or using duct tape.

Frequently Asked Question on Skin Tags
Can skin tags be prevented?

While skin tags cannot always be prevented, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding tight clothing, and practicing good hygiene may help reduce the risk of developing them.


Are skin tags a sign of cancer?

No, skin tags are benign growths and are not cancerous. However, any suspicious or rapidly changing skin growths should be evaluated by a healthcare provider to rule out skin cancer.

Where do skin tags commonly occur?

Skin tags commonly occur in areas where skin rubs against skin or clothing, such as the neck, armpits, groin, eyelids, under the breasts, and on the buttocks.

Are skin tags painful?

Skin tags are typically painless, although they may become irritated or painful if they are constantly rubbed or snagged by clothing or jewelry.

Do skin tags need to be removed?

In most cases, skin tags do not require removal unless they are causing discomfort, irritation, or cosmetic concerns.